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Workshop: ::: Unlock the Mysteries of the Taoist Kan and Li ::: Crashkurs 02.-06. June 2025
Course leader: UHT Inner Alchemy Immortality Senior Instructor Dr. Andrew Jan
Kärntener Str. 20
10827 Berlin
Topics: Lesser Kan and Li, Greater Kan and Li, Greatest Kan and Li
Date: 02. - 06.06.2025
Times: 09:30 – 13:00 | Pause/Break | 14:30 – 17:00 Paris Zeit/Time
Course fees:
  1. 5-days course = 510 €
  2. reduced 460 €


Unlock the Mysteries of the Taoist Kan and Li ( and ) with Dr Andrew Jan
2-6 June 2025, Berlin

Join us for a transformative 5-day meditation course designed to guide you through the ancient Taoist alchemical practices of Kan () and Li (). Experience the profound coupling of fire () and water (), or Yin () and Yang (), as we lead you to the essence of the marriage of Heaven and Earth and the final doorway to the wonders of Nothingness (无极/Wu Ji) and Oneness (皇极/Huang Ji).

This course, led by Dr Andrew Jan, a renowned author (including Greater () and Greatest Kan and Li (最大坎离)) and practitioner with over 30 years of teaching these high-level practices, offers a streamlined yet deep dive into the Kan and Li meditative practices. Through his expertise, you will experience firsthand the dissolution of the body’s blockages, enabling your mind to expand beyond the self and embrace a spirit or formless identity.

Over five days (note that you can enrol for individual days if needed), you’ll explore the following three levels:

  • Lesser Kan and Li (小坎离) - 2 June: One focused day of clearing blockages in the hollow and solid organs and their meridians to dissolve the body and transcend the self.
  • Greater Kan and Li (大坎离) - 3-4 June: Two days of working with the solar plexus coupling, learning to leave the physical body with consciousness and spirit, and expanding your mind to encompass the vastness of the solar system.
  • Greatest Kan and Li (最大坎离) - 5-6 June: Delve into the highest level of Taoist practice, where the mind can expand to the limits of the observable universe. Connect to the constellations, leading to an experience of the ultimate state of Oneness (皇极/Huang Ji) or Nothingness (无极/Wu Ji).

Dr Andrew Jan brings unparalleled insight to this rare opportunity, combining academic research with three decades of teaching and personal practice, including teaching these practices in about 20 darkroom retreats at the Tao Garden. His teachings promise to lead you toward profound spiritual expansion.

  • Don't miss this rare opportunity to study with a true master during his visit to Berlin. Enroll now and prepare for a life-changing experience that will revolutionize your meditation practice and expand your consciousness to cosmic proportions.

This course includes a comprehensive summary of advanced meditation techniques, previous knowledge of UHT Fusion of the 5 Elements (Emotional Transformation) is desirable. Practitioners with previous knowledge of meditations from other traditions are welcome.
UHT Certified Instructors can use this course for the later certification 'Inner Alchemy Immortality Kan & Li'. (KL1-2-3)

Dr Andrew Jan - Biography

is a Senior Instructor in the Universal Healing Tao System and as "UHT Global Branch Leader Internal Martial Arts" is responsible for the content and rules of the martial arts in Mantak Chia's UHT system. He has been studying the internal and external martial arts of Wu Shu for 30 years. His teachers include: Chen Chu-Fei, John Yuen (Blackburn Tai Chi Academy), Liu De-Ming, Huo Dong-Li in Beijing (Senior Judge Beijing Wu Shu Federation), Zhu Tian-Cai (one of Chen Jia Guo's 4 Contemporary Tigers), Liu Hong-Ci, Lama Dondrup Dorje and of course Grandmaster Mantak Chia.
Dr. Andrew Jan has won several medals in push-hand competitions in Victoria. These include a gold medal in full contact lightweight in 1984 and in 2000 he won first place in the Wu style, Yang style and weapons classes as National Tai Chi and Wu Shu Champion in the over 40 class.
Dr. Andrew Jan is currently an Emergency Physician and Pain Therapist in a large private hospital in Perth Western Australia. He has a Bachelor's degree in the Arts (Drama and English Literature) and a Masters in Philosophy (Taoist Mysticism). He is a member of the Medical Acupuncture College and a specialist in emergency medicine.

As co-author with Grandmaster Chia, 5 books have been published with Dr Andrew Jan:
1. Tai Chi Fa Jin - Advanced Techniques for Discharging Chi Energy    
2. Tai Chi 2 Yang Style - Discharge Form   
3 Tai Chi 3 Wu Style - Advanced Techniques for Internalizing Chi Energy   
4 The Practice of Greater Kan and Li - Techniques for Creating the Immortal Self
5 Greatest Kan and Li - Gathering the Cosmic Light

Dr Andrew Jan's website: www.drandrewjan.com.au

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